Group Type: Vertebrates
Listing Status: Endangered,Threatened,Emergency Listing (Threatened),Emergency Listing (Endangered),Similarity of Appearance (Endangered),Similarity of Appearance (Threatened)
Listed in the US
Species Report
Inverted Common Name Scientific Name Where Listed Listing Status
Akepa, Hawaii (honeycreeper) Loxops coccineus coccineus - E
Akepa, Maui (honeycreeper) Loxops coccineus ochraceus - E
Akialoa, Kauai (honeycreeper) Hemignathus procerus - E
Akiapola`au (honeycreeper) Hemignathus munroi - E
Albatross, short-tailed Phoebastria (=Diomedea) albatrus - E
Alligator, American Alligator mississippiensis - SAT
Anole, Culebra Island giant Anolis roosevelti - E
Bat, gray Myotis grisescens - E
Bat, Hawaiian hoary Lasiurus cinereus semotus - E
Bat, Indiana Myotis sodalis - E
Bat, lesser long-nosed Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae - E
Bat, little Mariana fruit Pteropus tokudae - E
Bat, Mariana fruit (=Mariana flying fox) Pteropus mariannus mariannus entire range T
Bat, Mexican long-nosed Leptonycteris nivalis - E
Bat, Ozark big-eared Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) townsendii ingens - E
Bat, Virginia big-eared Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) townsendii virginianus - E
Bear, American black Ursus americanus U.S.A. (LA, all counties; MS, TX, only within the historic county range of the Louisiana black bear) SAT
Bear, grizzly Ursus arctos horribilis U.S.A., conterminous (lower 48) States, except where listed as an experimental population or delisted T
Bear, Louisiana black Ursus americanus luteolus - T
Blackbird, yellow-shouldered Agelaius xanthomus - E
Boa, Mona Epicrates monensis monensis - T
Boa, Puerto Rican Epicrates inornatus - E
Boa, Virgin Islands tree Epicrates monensis granti - E
Bobwhite, masked (quail) Colinus virginianus ridgwayi - E
Caracara, Audubon's crested Polyborus plancus audubonii U.S.A. (FL) T
Caribou, woodland Rangifer tarandus caribou U.S.A. (ID, WA), Canada (that part of S.E. British Columbia bounded by the U.S.-Can. border, Columbia R., Kootenay R., Kootenay L., and Kootenai R.) E
Catfish, Yaqui Ictalurus pricei - T
Cavefish, Alabama Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni - E
Cavefish, Ozark Amblyopsis rosae - T
Chub, bonytail Gila elegans entire E
Chub, Borax Lake Gila boraxobius - E
Chub, Chihuahua Gila nigrescens - T
Chub, Gila Gila intermedia - E
Chub, humpback Gila cypha entire E
Chub, Hutton tui Gila bicolor ssp. Hutton T
Chub, Mohave tui Gila bicolor mohavensis - E
Chub, Oregon Oregonichthys crameri - E
Chub, Owens tui Gila bicolor snyderi - E
Chub, Pahranagat roundtail Gila robusta jordani - E
Chub, slender Erimystax cahni - T
Chub, Sonora Gila ditaenia - T
Chub, spotfin Erimonax monachus Entire T
Chub, Virgin River Gila seminuda (=robusta) - E
Chub, Yaqui Gila purpurea - E
Condor, California Gymnogyps californianus U.S.A. only, except where listed as an experimental population below E
Coot, Hawaiian Fulica americana alai - E
Coqui, golden Eleutherodactylus jasperi - T
Crane, Mississippi sandhill Grus canadensis pulla - E
Crane, whooping Grus americana Entire, except where listed as an experimental population E
Creeper, Hawaii Oreomystis mana - E
Creeper, Molokai Paroreomyza flammea - E
Creeper, Oahu Paroreomyza maculata - E
Crocodile, American Crocodylus acutus FL pop. T
Crow, Hawaiian (='alala) Corvus hawaiiensis - E
Crow, Mariana (=aga) Corvus kubaryi - E
Crow, white-necked Corvus leucognaphalus - E
Cui-ui Chasmistes cujus - E
Curlew, Eskimo Numenius borealis - E
Dace, Ash Meadows speckled Rhinichthys osculus nevadensis - E
Dace, blackside Phoxinus cumberlandensis - T
Dace, Clover Valley speckled Rhinichthys osculus oligoporus - E
Dace, desert Eremichthys acros - T
Dace, Foskett speckled Rhinichthys osculus ssp. Foskett T
Dace, Independence Valley speckled Rhinichthys osculus lethoporus - E
Dace, Kendall Warm Springs Rhinichthys osculus thermalis - E
Dace, Moapa Moapa coriacea - E
Darter, amber Percina antesella - E
Darter, bayou Etheostoma rubrum - T
Darter, bluemask (=jewel) Etheostoma sp. - E
Darter, boulder Etheostoma wapiti - E
Darter, Cherokee Etheostoma scotti - T
Darter, duskytail Etheostoma percnurum Entire E
Darter, Etowah Etheostoma etowahae - E
Darter, fountain Etheostoma fonticola - E
Darter, goldline Percina aurolineata - T
Darter, leopard Percina pantherina - T
Darter, Maryland Etheostoma sellare - E
Darter, Niangua Etheostoma nianguae - T
Darter, Okaloosa Etheostoma okaloosae - E
Darter, relict Etheostoma chienense - E
Darter, slackwater Etheostoma boschungi - T
Darter, snail Percina tanasi - T
Darter, vermilion Etheostoma chermocki - E
Darter, watercress Etheostoma nuchale - E
Deer, Columbian white-tailed Odocoileus virginianus leucurus Columbia River (Clark, Cowliz, Pacific, Skamania, and Wahkiakum Counties, WA., and Clatsop, Columbia, and Multnomah Counties, OR.) E
Deer, key Odocoileus virginianus clavium - E
Duck, Hawaiian (=koloa) Anas wyvilliana - E
Duck, Laysan Anas laysanensis - E
Eider, spectacled Somateria fischeri - T
Eider, Steller's Polysticta stelleri U.S.A. (AK breeding population only) T
Elepaio, Oahu Chasiempis sandwichensis ibidis - E
Falcon, northern aplomado Falco femoralis septentrionalis - E
Ferret, black-footed Mustela nigripes Entire, except where listed as an experimental population below E
Finch, Laysan (honeycreeper) Telespyza cantans - E
Finch, Nihoa (honeycreeper) Telespyza ultima - E
Flycatcher, southwestern willow Empidonax traillii extimus - E
Fox, San Joaquin kit Vulpes macrotis mutica - E
Fox, San Miguel Island Urocyon littoralis littoralis - E
Fox, Santa Catalina Island Urocyon littoralis catalinae - E
Fox, Santa Cruz Island Urocyon littoralis santacruzae - E
Fox, Santa Rosa Island Urocyon littoralis santarosae - E
Frog, California red-legged Rana aurora draytonii Entire (excluding Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity, & Mendocino Cos., CA; Glenn, Lake, & Sonoma Cos., CA, west of the Central Valley Hydrologic Basin; Sonoma & Marin Cos., CA, west & north of San Francisco Bay drainages and Walker Creek drainage; and NV T
Frog, Chiricahua leopard Rana chiricahuensis - T
Frog, Mississippi gopher Rana capito sevosa Wherever found west of Mobile and Tombigbee Rivers in AL, MS, and LA E
Frog, mountain yellow-legged Rana muscosa U.S.A., southern California DPS E
Gambusia, Big Bend Gambusia gaigei - E
Gambusia, Clear Creek Gambusia heterochir - E
Gambusia, Pecos Gambusia nobilis - E
Gambusia, San Marcos Gambusia georgei - E
Gecko, Monito Sphaerodactylus micropithecus - E
Gnatcatcher, coastal California Polioptila californica californica - T
Goby, tidewater Eucyclogobius newberryi Entire E
Goose, Hawaiian Branta (=Nesochen) sandvicensis - E
Guajon Eleutherodactylus cooki - T
Hawk, Hawaiian (='lo) Buteo solitarius - E
Hawk, Puerto Rican broad-winged Buteo platypterus brunnescens - E
Hawk, Puerto Rican sharp-shinned Accipiter striatus venator - E
Honeycreeper, crested Palmeria dolei - E
Iguana, Mona ground Cyclura cornuta stejnegeri - T
Jaguar Panthera onca - E
Jaguarundi, Gulf Coast Herpailurus (=Felis) yagouaroundi cacomitli - E
Jaguarundi, Sinaloan Herpailurus (=Felis) yagouaroundi tolteca - E
Jay, Florida scrub Aphelocoma coerulescens - T
Kangaroo rat, Fresno Dipodomys nitratoides exilis - E
Kangaroo rat, giant Dipodomys ingens - E
Kangaroo rat, Morro Bay Dipodomys heermanni morroensis - E
Kangaroo rat, San Bernardino Merriam's Dipodomys merriami parvus - E
Kangaroo rat, Stephens' Dipodomys stephensi (incl. D. cascus) - E
Kangaroo rat, Tipton Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides - E
Kingfisher, Guam Micronesian Halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomina - E
Kite, Everglade snail Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus U.S.A. (FL) E
Lizard, blunt-nosed leopard Gambelia silus - E
Lizard, Coachella Valley fringe-toed Uma inornata - T
Lizard, Island night Xantusia riversiana - T
Lizard, St. Croix ground Ameiva polops - E
Logperch, Conasauga Percina jenkinsi - E
Logperch, Roanoke Percina rex - E
Lynx, Canada Lynx canadensis U.S.A. (CO, ID, ME, MI, MN, MT, NH, NY, OR, UT, VT, WA, WI, WY) T
Madtom, Neosho Noturus placidus - T
Madtom, pygmy Noturus stanauli - E
Madtom, Scioto Noturus trautmani - E
Madtom, smoky Noturus baileyi Entire E
Madtom, yellowfin Noturus flavipinnis Entire, except where listed as an experimental population below T
Manatee, West Indian Trichechus manatus - E
Megapode, Micronesian Megapodius laperouse - E
Millerbird, Nihoa (old world warbler) Acrocephalus familiaris kingi - E
Minnow, Devils River Dionda diaboli - T
Minnow, loach Tiaroga cobitis - T
Minnow, Rio Grande silvery Hybognathus amarus - E
Moorhen, Hawaiian common Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis - E
Moorhen, Mariana common Gallinula chloropus guami - E
Mountain beaver, Point Arena Aplodontia rufa nigra - E
Mouse, Alabama beach Peromyscus polionotus ammobates - E
Mouse, Anastasia Island beach Peromyscus polionotus phasma - E
Mouse, Choctawhatchee beach Peromyscus polionotus allophrys - E
Mouse, Key Largo cotton Peromyscus gossypinus allapaticola - E
Mouse, Pacific pocket Perognathus longimembris pacificus - E
Mouse, Perdido Key beach Peromyscus polionotus trissyllepsis - E
Mouse, Preble's meadow jumping Zapus hudsonius preblei - T
Mouse, salt marsh harvest Reithrodontomys raviventris - E
Mouse, southeastern beach Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris - T
Mouse, St. Andrew beach Peromyscus polionotus peninsularis - E
Murrelet, marbled Brachyramphus marmoratus U.S.A. (CA, OR, WA) T
Nightjar, Puerto Rican Caprimulgus noctitherus - E
Nukupu`u (honeycreeper) Hemignathus lucidus - E
Ocelot Leopardus (=Felis) pardalis - E
Otter, Northern Sea Enhydra lutris kenyoni southwest Alaska DPS (Aleutian Islands, Alaska Peninsula coast, and Kodiak Archipelago) T
Otter, southern sea Enhydra lutris nereis Entire, except where listed below T
Owl, Mexican spotted Strix occidentalis lucida - T
Owl, northern spotted Strix occidentalis caurina - T
Palila (honeycreeper) Loxioides bailleui - E
Panther, Florida Puma (=Felis) concolor coryi - E
Parrot, Puerto Rican Amazona vittata - E
Parrotbill, Maui (honeycreeper) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - E
Pelican, brown Pelecanus occidentalis Entire, except U.S. Atlantic coast, FL, AL E
Petrel, Hawaiian dark-rumped Pterodroma phaeopygia sandwichensis - E
Pigeon, Puerto Rican plain Columba inornata wetmorei - E
Pikeminnow (=squawfish), Colorado Ptychocheilus lucius Entire, except Salt and Verde R. drainages, AZ E
Plover, piping Charadrius melodus Great Lakes watershed in States of IL, IN, MI, MN, NY, OH, PA, and WI and Canada (Ont.) E
Plover, piping Charadrius melodus Entire, except those areas where listed as endangered above T
Plover, western snowy Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus U.S.A. (CA, OR, WA), Mexico (within 50 miles of Pacific coast) T
Plymouth Red-Bellied Turtle Pseudemys rubriventris bangsi - E
Poolfish, Pahrump Empetrichthys latos - E
Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma - E
Prairie dog, Utah Cynomys parvidens - T
Prairie-chicken, Attwater's greater Tympanuchus cupido attwateri - E
Pronghorn, Sonoran Antilocapra americana sonoriensis - E
Puma (=cougar), eastern Puma (=Felis) concolor couguar - E
Puma (=mountain lion) Puma (=Felis) concolor (all subsp. except coryi) U.S.A. (FL) SAT
Pupfish, Ash Meadows Amargosa Cyprinodon nevadensis mionectes - E
Pupfish, Comanche Springs Cyprinodon elegans - E
Pupfish, desert Cyprinodon macularius - E
Pupfish, Devils Hole Cyprinodon diabolis - E
Pupfish, Leon Springs Cyprinodon bovinus - E
Pupfish, Owens Cyprinodon radiosus - E
Pupfish, Warm Springs Cyprinodon nevadensis pectoralis - E
Rabbit, Lower Keys marsh Sylvilagus palustris hefneri - E
Rabbit, pygmy Brachylagus idahoensis Columbia Basin DPS E
Rabbit, riparian brush Sylvilagus bachmani riparius - E
Rail, California clapper Rallus longirostris obsoletus - E
Rail, Guam Rallus owstoni Entire, except Rota E
Rail, light-footed clapper Rallus longirostris levipes U.S.A. only E
Rail, Yuma clapper Rallus longirostris yumanensis U.S.A. only E
Rattlesnake, New Mexican ridge-nosed Crotalus willardi obscurus - T
Rice rat Oryzomys palustris natator Lower FL Keys (west of Seven Mile Bridge) E
Salamander, Barton Springs Eurycea sosorum - E
Salamander, California tiger Ambystoma californiense U.S.A. (CA - Santa Barbara County) E
Salamander, California tiger Ambystoma californiense U.S.A. (CA - Sonoma County) E
Salamander, California tiger Ambystoma californiense Central CA DPS, not including Santa Barbara and Sonoma DPS T
Salamander, Cheat Mountain Plethodon nettingi - T
Salamander, desert slender Batrachoseps aridus - E
Salamander, flatwoods Ambystoma cingulatum - T
Salamander, Red Hills Phaeognathus hubrichti - T
Salamander, San Marcos Eurycea nana - T
Salamander, Santa Cruz long-toed Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum - E
Salamander, Shenandoah Plethodon shenandoah - E
Salamander, Sonora tiger Ambystoma tigrinum stebbinsi - E
Salamander, Texas blind Typhlomolge rathbuni - E
Salmon, Atlantic Salmo salar U.S.A. ME Gulf of Maine Atlantic Salmon Distinct Population Segment, which includes all naturally reproducing wild populations and those river-specific hatchery populations of Atlantic salmon having historical, river-specific characteristics found north of and including tributaries of the lower Kennebec River to, but not including, the mouth of the St. Croix River at the U.S.-Canda border. To date, the Services have determined that these populations are found in the Dennys, East Machias, Machias, Pleasant, Narraguagus, Sheepscot, and Ducktrap Rivers and in Cove Brook, Maine E
Salmon, chinook Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Snake R. (U.S.A._ID, OR, WA) mainstem and the following subbasins_Tucannon R., Grande Ronde R., Imnaha R., Salmon R, and Clearwater R.; fall run, natural population(s), wherever found T
Salmon, chinook Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Snake R. (U.S.A._ID,OR,WA) mainstem and the following subbasins_Tucannon R., Grande Ronde R., Imnaha R., and Salmon R.; spring/summer run, natural population(s), wherever found T
Salmon, chinook Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Sacramento R. (U.S.A._CA) winter run, wherever found E
Salmon, chinook Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha U.S.A.(WA) all naturally spawned populations from rivers and streams flowing into Puget Sound, including the Straits of Juan De Fuca from the Elwha R. eastward, and Hood Canal, South Sound, North Sound and the Strait of Georgia T
Salmon, chinook Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha U.S.A.(OR, WA) all naturally spawned populations from the Columbia R. and its tributaries upstream from its mouth to a point east of the Hood R. and White Salmon R. to Willamette Falls in Oregon, excluding the spring run in the Clackamas R. T
Salmon, chinook Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha U.S.A.(OR) all naturally spawned populations in the Clackamas R. and the Willamette R. and its tributaries above Willamette Falls T
Salmon, chinook Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha U.S.A.(WA) all naturally spawned populations in the Columbia R. tributaries upstream of Rock Island Dam and downstream of Chief Joseph Dam, excluding the Okanogan R., and the Columbia R. from a line between the west end of Clatsop jetty, OR, and the west end of Peacock jetty, WA, upstream to Chief Joseph Dam, including spring-run hatchery stocks (and their progeny) in Chiwawa R., Methow R., Twisp R., Chewuch R., White R., and Nason Creek E
Salmon, chinook Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha U.S.A.(CA) all naturally spawned spring-run populations from the Sacramento San Joaquin R. mainstem and its tributaries T
Salmon, chinook Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha U.S.A.(CA) from Redwood Creek south to Russian R., inclusive, all naturally spawned populations in mainstems and tributaries T
Salmon, chum Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) keta U.S.A. (OR, WA) all naturally spawned populations in the Columbia R. and its tributaries T
Salmon, chum Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) keta U.S.A. (WA) all naturally spawned summer-run populations in Hood Canal and its tributaries and Olympic Penninsula rivers between Hood Canal and Dungeness Bay T
Salmon, coho Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) kisutch U.S.A. (CA), naturally spawning populations in streams between Punta Gorda, Humboldt Co., CA and the San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz, Co., CA E
Salmon, coho Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) kisutch U.S.A. (natural populations in river basins between Cape Blanco in Curry County, OR and Punta Gorda in Humboldt Co., CA) T
Salmon, coho Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) kisutch Lower Columbia River T
Salmon, sockeye Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) nerka U.S.A. (Snake River, ID stock wherever found.) E
Salmon, sockeye Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) nerka U.S.A. (WA) all naturally spawned population in Ozette Lake and its tributary streams T
Sawfish, smalltooth Pristis pectinata - E
Sculpin, pygmy Cottus paulus (=pygmaeus) - T
Sea turtle, green Chelonia mydas Breeding colony populations in FL and on Pacific coast of Mexico E
Sea turtle, green Chelonia mydas Wherever found except where listed as endangered T
Sea turtle, hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata - E
Sea turtle, Kemp's ridley Lepidochelys kempii - E
Sea turtle, leatherback Dermochelys coriacea - E
Sea turtle, loggerhead Caretta caretta - T
Sea turtle, olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea Wherever found except where listed as endangered T
Sea-lion, Steller Eumetopias jubatus Entire, except the population segment west of 1440 W. Long T
Sea-lion, Steller Eumetopias jubatus Population segment west of 1440 W. Long E
Seal, Caribbean monk Monachus tropicalis - E
Seal, Guadalupe fur Arctocephalus townsendi - T
Seal, Hawaiian monk Monachus schauinslandi - E
Shearwater, Newell's Townsend's Puffinus auricularis newelli - T
Sheep, bighorn Ovis canadensis U.S.A. (CA) Peninsular Ranges E
Sheep, Sierra Nevada bighorn Ovis canadensis californiana U.S.A. (CA) Sierra Nevada E
Shiner, Arkansas River Notropis girardi Arkansas River Basin (AR, KS, NM, OK, TX) T
Shiner, beautiful Cyprinella formosa - T
Shiner, blue Cyprinella caerulea - T
Shiner, Cahaba Notropis cahabae - E
Shiner, Cape Fear Notropis mekistocholas - E
Shiner, palezone Notropis albizonatus - E
Shiner, Pecos bluntnose Notropis simus pecosensis - T
Shiner, Topeka Notropis topeka (=tristis) - E
Shrew, Buena Vista Lake ornate Sorex ornatus relictus - E
Shrike, San Clemente loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi - E
Silverside, Waccamaw Menidia extensa - T
Skink, bluetail mole Eumeces egregius lividus - T
Skink, sand Neoseps reynoldsi - T
Smelt, delta Hypomesus transpacificus - T
Snake, Atlantic salt marsh Nerodia clarkii taeniata - T
Snake, Concho water Nerodia paucimaculata - T
Snake, copperbelly water Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta IN north of 400 N. Lat., MI, OH T
Snake, eastern indigo Drymarchon corais couperi - T
Snake, giant garter Thamnophis gigas - T
Snake, Lake Erie water Nerodia sipedon insularum Lake Erie offshore islands and their adjacent waters (located more than 1 mile from mainland)_U.S.A. (OH), Canada (Ont.) T
Snake, San Francisco garter Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia - E
Sparrow, Cape Sable seaside Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis - E
Sparrow, Florida grasshopper Ammodramus savannarum floridanus - E
Sparrow, San Clemente sage Amphispiza belli clementeae - T
Spikedace Meda fulgida - T
Spinedace, Big Spring Lepidomeda mollispinis pratensis - T
Spinedace, Little Colorado Lepidomeda vittata - T
Spinedace, White River Lepidomeda albivallis - E
Springfish, Hiko White River Crenichthys baileyi grandis - E
Springfish, Railroad Valley Crenichthys nevadae - T
Springfish, White River Crenichthys baileyi baileyi - E
Squirrel, Carolina northern flying Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus - E
Squirrel, Delmarva Peninsula fox Sciurus niger cinereus Entire population, except Assawoman Wildlife Area in Sussex Co., DE E
Squirrel, Mount Graham red Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis - E
Squirrel, northern Idaho ground Spermophilus brunneus brunneus - T
Squirrel, Virginia northern flying Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus - E
Steelhead Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss All naturally spawned populations (and their progeny) in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and their tributaries, excluding San Francisco and San Pablo Bays and their tributaries T
Steelhead Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss All naturally spawned populations (and their progeny) in streams in the Snake R. Basin of southeast WA, northeast OR, and ID T
Steelhead Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss All naturally spawned populations (and their progeny) in streams from the Russian R. to Aptos Cr., Santa Cruz County, CA (inclusive), and the drainages of San Francisco and San Pablo Bays eastward to the Napa R. (inclusive), Napa County, CA, excluding the Sacramento-San Joaquin R. Basin of the Central Valley of CA T
Steelhead Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss All naturally spawned populations (and their progeny) in streams and tributaries to the Columbia R. between the Cowlitz and Wind Rivers, WA, inclusive, and the Willamette and Hood Rivers, OR, inclusive, excluding the Upper Willamette River Basin above Willamette Falls and excluding the Little and Big White Salmon Rivers in WA T
Steelhead Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss All naturally spawned populations (and their progeny) in streams from the Pajaro R. (inclusive) located in Santa Cruz County, CA, to (but not including) the Santa Maria R T
Steelhead Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss All naturally spawned populations (and their progeny) in rivers from the Santa Maria R., San Luis Obispo County, CA (inclusive) to Malibu Cr., Los Angeles County, CA (inclusive) E
Steelhead Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss All naturally spawned populations (and their progeny) in the Upper Columbia R. Basin upstream from the Yakima R., WA, to the U.S./Canada border, and also including the Wells Hatchery stock T
Steelhead Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss U.S.A. (OR) All naturally spawned winter-run populations in the Willamette R. and its tributaries from Willamette Falls to the Calapooia R., inclusive T
Steelhead Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss U.S.A. (OR, WA) All naturally spawned populations in streams above and excluding the Wind R. in Washington, and the Hood R. in Oregon, upstream to, and including, the Yakima R. Excluded are steelhead from the Snake R. Basin T
Steelhead Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss All naturally spawned populations and their progeny in river basins from Redwood Creek in Humboldt County, CA to the Gualala River in Mendocino County, CA (inclusive) T
Steelhead Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Puget Sound DPS T
Stickleback, unarmored threespine Gasterosteus aculeatus williamsoni - E
Stilt, Hawaiian Himantopus mexicanus knudseni - E
Stork, wood Mycteria americana U.S.A. (AL, FL, GA, SC) E
Sturgeon, Alabama Scaphirhynchus suttkusi - E
Sturgeon, gulf Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi - T
Sturgeon, North American green Acipenser medirostris U.S.A. (CA) Southern Distinct Population Segment T
Sturgeon, pallid Scaphirhynchus albus - E
Sturgeon, shortnose Acipenser brevirostrum - E
Sturgeon, white Acipenser transmontanus U.S.A. (ID, MT), Canada (B.C.), (Kootenai R. system) E
Sucker, June Chasmistes liorus - E
Sucker, Lost River Deltistes luxatus - E
Sucker, Modoc Catostomus microps - E
Sucker, razorback Xyrauchen texanus entire E
Sucker, Santa Ana Catostomus santaanae Los Angeles River basin, San Gabriel River basin, Santa Ana River basin T
Sucker, shortnose Chasmistes brevirostris - E
Sucker, Warner Catostomus warnerensis - T
Swiftlet, Mariana gray Aerodramus vanikorensis bartschi - E
Tern, California least Sterna antillarum browni - E
Tern, least Sterna antillarum U.S.A. (AR, CO, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA_Miss. R. and tribs. N of Baton Rouge, MS_Miss. R., MO, MT, ND, NE, NM, OK, SD, TN, TX_except within 50 miles of coast) E
Tern, roseate Sterna dougallii dougallii U.S.A. (Atlantic Coast south to NC), Canada (Newf., N.S, Que.), Bermuda E
Tern, roseate Sterna dougallii dougallii Western Hemisphere and adjacent oceans, incl. U.S.A. (FL, PR, VI), where not listed as endangered T
Thrush, large Kauai (=kamao) Myadestes myadestinus - E
Thrush, Molokai Myadestes lanaiensis rutha - E
Thrush, small Kauai (=puaiohi) Myadestes palmeri - E
Toad, arroyo (=arroyo southwestern) Bufo californicus (=microscaphus) - E
Toad, Houston Bufo houstonensis - E
Toad, Puerto Rican crested Peltophryne lemur - T
Toad, Wyoming Bufo baxteri (=hemiophrys) - E
Topminnow, Gila (incl. Yaqui) Poeciliopsis occidentalis U.S.A. only E
Tortoise, desert Gopherus agassizii AZ south and east of Colorado River, and Mexico, when found outside of Mexico or said range in AZ SAT
Tortoise, desert Gopherus agassizii Entire, except AZ south and east of Colorado River, and Mexico T
Tortoise, gopher Gopherus polyphemus Wherever found west of Mobile and Tombigbee Rivers in AL, MS, and LA T
Towhee, Inyo California Pipilo crissalis eremophilus - T
Trout, Apache Oncorhynchus apache - T
Trout, bull Salvelinus confluentus U.S.A., conterminous, (lower 48 states) T
Trout, Gila Oncorhynchus gilae - T
Trout, greenback cutthroat Oncorhynchus clarki stomias - T
Trout, Lahontan cutthroat Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi - T
Trout, Little Kern golden Oncorhynchus aguabonita whitei - T
Trout, Paiute cutthroat Oncorhynchus clarki seleniris - T
Turtle, Alabama red-belly Pseudemys alabamensis - E
Turtle, bog (=Muhlenberg) Clemmys muhlenbergii Entire, except GA, NC, SC, TN, VA T
Turtle, bog (=Muhlenberg) Clemmys muhlenbergii U.S.A. (GA, NC, SC, TN, VA) SAT
Turtle, flattened musk Sternotherus depressus Black Warrior R. system upstream from Bankhead Dam T
Turtle, ringed map Graptemys oculifera - T
Turtle, yellow-blotched map Graptemys flavimaculata - T
Vireo, black-capped Vireo atricapilla - E
Vireo, least Bell's Vireo bellii pusillus - E
Vole, Amargosa Microtus californicus scirpensis - E
Vole, Florida salt marsh Microtus pennsylvanicus dukecampbelli - E
Vole, Hualapai Mexican Microtus mexicanus hualpaiensis - E
Warbler (=wood), Bachman's Vermivora bachmanii - E
Warbler (=wood), golden-cheeked Dendroica chrysoparia - E
Warbler (=wood), Kirtland's Dendroica kirtlandii - E
Warbler, nightingale reed (old world warbler) Acrocephalus luscinia - E
Whale, blue Balaenoptera musculus - E
Whale, bowhead Balaena mysticetus - E
Whale, finback Balaenoptera physalus - E
Whale, humpback Megaptera novaeangliae - E
Whale, killer Orcinus orca Southern Resident DPS E
Whale, right Balaena glacialis (incl. australis) - E
Whale, Sei Balaenoptera borealis - E
Whale, sperm Physeter catodon (=macrocephalus) - E
Whipsnake (=striped racer), Alameda Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus - T
White-eye, bridled Zosterops conspicillatus conspicillatus - E
White-eye, Rota bridled Zosterops rotensis - E
Wolf, gray Canis lupus U.S.A., conterminous (lower 48) States, except: (1) Where listed as an experimental population; (2) Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, eastern North Dakota (that portion north and east of the Missouri River upstream to Lake Sakakawea and east of the centerline of Highway 83 from Lake Sakakawea to the Canadian border), eastern South Dakota (that portion north and east of the Missouri River), northern Iowa, northern Illinois, and northern Indiana (those portions of IA, IL, and IN north of the centerline of Interstate Highway 80), and northwestern Ohio (that portion north of the centerline of Interstate Highway 80 and west of the Maumee River at Toledo); and (3) Mexico. E
Wolf, red Canis rufus Entire, except where listed as experimental populations below E
Woodpecker, ivory-billed Campephilus principalis entire E
Woodpecker, red-cockaded Picoides borealis - E
Woodrat, Key Largo Neotoma floridana smalli - E
Woodrat, riparian (=San Joaquin Valley) Neotoma fuscipes riparia - E
Woundfin Plagopterus argentissimus Entire, except Gila R. drainage, AZ, NM E
`O`o, Kauai (honeyeater) Moho braccatus - E
`O`u (honeycreeper) Psittirostra psittacea - E
Report generated 12/04/2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
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